About Us
Expedition leaders
From time to time Mountain Expeditions uses a number of carefully and personally selected associate Mountain Leaders (MLs), Mountaineering Instructors (MIA/MICs) and Mountain Guides (UIAGM) to deliver expeditions, instuction and guiding.All of these people are chosen on their individual merits based on the mix of their technical skills, qualifications and excellent interpersonal skills. These guides are both friends as well as colleagues and understand the Mountain Expeditions ethos and deliver to the highest standards.
Our Leaders
On every expedition, the number of participants is kept to a level to enable the highest quality to be maintained. We do not want to be that company where you become a number or even a blur after the expedition has finished,
so we have a strict cut off point to ensure that our groups never become too big.
We strongly believe that by doing this our Mountain Expeditions Leaders are able to provide a more personalised service and we find
that group dynamics work much better than when travelling in high numbers. Therefore, your success rate and enjoyment increases immeasurably.